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Thursday, December 28, 2006

Ford, Not a Lincoln...Bush, Not a Tree

Kudos for President Gerald R. Ford for allowing an interview in which he speaks candidly about the mistakes of his former employees, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney, to be released after his death.

Do you have any anecdotal or other membories of President Ford. Of course, we're always looking for any kind of news tip. Come on Los Angeles, be the first to

Tip The Republic of L.A.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Give me a lead, I'll pursue the story...

At its best, American journalism can correct a nation's course when the ship of state threatens to run aground, as it is now doing. At its worst, all-in-line scribes allow for leaders to lead a nation into shedding liberty and sleepwalking into war.

But it all starts when a community news reporter wonders why an elementary school is getting a new fence when the existing one is only a year old. Any school officials with relatives in the fence business?

Tell me L.A., what do you think needs a little questioning.