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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Physical Therapists March on Anthem Blue Cross Headquarters

Insurer Threatens to Slash Payments to Therapists by 30 Percent,
While Raising Rates by 40 Percent

But you've got to feel sorry for these poor health insurance companies. The parent company of this one only made $4 billion dollars last year. Times are tough.

"They'd never think of doing this to doctors; guess they think we're easy targets." --Demonstrator
Click the Play Button (arrow) Below to Watch RoLA's On-the-spot Coverage

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Funday-Monday: Random Scenes from the Mean (and sometimes, just plain crazy) Streets of Los Angeles

An SUV Driver Took a Sharp Right--Right into an Edible Arrangements Store on Fountain Avenue & La Brea Boulevard in West Hollywood Recently

And guess who just happened to be driving by--with my camera?
(I swear I don't stage this stuff.)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Scientology Protest

A local photographer who was allegedly intimidated by Scientology officials at his home after shooting pics at a previous demonstration, recently joined protesters as they marched up and down Hollywood Blvd. The motley crew of demonstrators stopped at each of the controversial church's many buildings along that storied thoroughfare.

Here's what RoLA caught via our Droid cam.