A giant freighter passes through the Maeslantkering sea gate in the Netherlands. The Dutch can literally turn off the sea when their homeland is threatened by oceanic flooding. |
...But only with a bold vision of greatness, beginning in New Orleans.
President Barack Obama will make what could be the most important speech of his presidency next Thursday. Next Thursday falls within the sixth anniversary of the castration of American greatness that was the response to Hurricane Katrina. Pictured Above is what the Dutch do when the Netherlands is threatened by flooding from the sea: Since they built the Maeslantkering sea gate, Holland can protect itself by simply TURNING OFF THE SEA!
The American solution for New Orleans: And it's already leaking. |
In RoLA's opinion, the the president's opportunity to reset the U.S. standing as a nation of greatness and innovation couldn't be more obvious: begin work on what could be called the "Great Gulf Coast Sea Gate," or "Great Gulf Gate." Or, because we love abbreviations in this country, the shorthand for the multi-thousand job project could be (drum roll) "G3."
Not only would this be good for the economy, our image abroad (not to mention our own self-image), such a bold move would reassert Obama's "Yes We Can" mantra--you know; the one that got him elected as the nation's first African American president. The Great Gulf Gate, however, should not, in our opinion be the only project in Obama's plan. Projects of similar significance, with equally bold vision, should populate the his new jobs program. But, please Mr. President; make New Orleans the center point--the foundation--of your plan